Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Ethics & Sustainability

When we label our coffee as 'ethically sourced,' we're affirming our commitment to fair labor practices and equitable pay for farmers. This supports both the communities we partner with and enhances the overall quality of our coffee.

At Turbo Java Coffee Company, we are deeply committed to supporting sustainable farming. We source our coffee from farmers who use environmentally friendly practices, ensuring the longevity of their land and the health of the ecosystems their farms are part of.

Our dedication to sustainable farming runs deep. Through sourcing coffee beans from farmers practicing sustainable farming, we actively promote an environmentally friendly approach that preserves soil health and uplifts local communities.

As of April 2024, we currently do not have a fundraising program. However, we anticipate to be rolling out our fundraisng program towards the end of 2024. If you are part of a volunteer or non-profit organization and are interested in fundraising, please be sure to reach out to us at and we'll be sure to send you an update as soon as it's available. 


Turbo Java Coffee Company offers a variety of ethically sourced coffee from around the world. Every blend offers a distinctive flavor profile, inviting our customers to embark on a coffee journey with each sip. 

For optimal flavor preservation, store your Turbo Java Coffee in an airtight container at room temperature, shielding it from direct sunlight, moisture, and excess heat. Refrigeration or freezing is discouraged, as coffee can readily absorb odors from neighboring foods.


Absolutely, we recognize that certain customers appreciate decaffeinated coffee. Rest assured, we provide decaf options that maintain the exceptional quality and flavor of our coffee.

We do! In line with our commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing, our teas are thoughtfully curated. They perfectly complement our coffee selections, offering a diverse range of flavors to delight tea enthusiasts.